Alaska Native Basketry Stories with Jan Steinbright
Friday, February 3rd, 2023
- Time
- 12:00pm - 12:45pm
- Venue
- Sheldon Jackson Museum, Sitka, 99835
- Price
- Free to attend
Jan Steinbright (non-Native) will speak about gathering and preparing natural materials and constructing baskets, and share stories from Native basketmakers.
More Information (Sitka Radio Center Stations is not responsible for external websites)
Steinbright shares this about her presentation:
“In my 40-some years living and working with Alaska Native artists, I have had the honor of getting to know some incredibly talented people. As an artist myself, I was particularly drawn to the practice of basketry, an art form I had been involved with since childhood. My job allowed me to gather materials and interact with Native basket makers as they went about their work. I also was privileged to organize workshops around the state and work on exhibits for museums on basketry. From these precious experiences, I have come away with many stories which I love to share.
Using a PowerPoint presentation, I will talk about the gathering and preparation of natural materials and the basket construction, and share some personal stories of these amazing people.”
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Sheldon Jackson Museum
104 College Drive
The event runs from 12:00pm to 12:45pm on the following dates.
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