Adverse reaction reported in health care worker in Juneau

    Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 10:21am

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - A Bartlett Hospital employee had an adverse reaction 10 minutes after she received the COVID-19 vaccine with symptoms like a rapid heart rate, a flushed face, and shortness of breath.

    Officials said the health care worker did not have a history of allergies.  They called this an anaphylactic reaction.

    The symptoms were discovered during a 15-minute observation period recommended by the CDC.

    The attending physician said the worker took Benadryl, was admitted to the emergency room, and was administered steroids and other treatments.

    She was kept overnight for observation and is healthy and doing well today.   She was listed in stable condition.

    Chief Medical Officer for Alaska Dr. Anne Zink said they expected some side effects.  "All sites that are approved to provide vaccinations in Alaska must have medications on hand to deal with an allergic reaction and that was the case in Juneau."






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