Juneau, Alaska (AP) - The Alaska House has passed a version of the state operating budget that leaves for later debate over how much to pay residents from the state’s oil-wealth fund for this year’s dividend.
Time to resolve that debate is running out in the legislative session set to end on May 19, unless lawmakers vote to give themselves as much as 10 extra days.
Legislative leaders have said a Permanent Fund Dividend will be paid though it has been unclear whether an amount would be included as part of the budget or handled separately.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy said he is "prepared" to call the Legislature back into session on June 23 if they do not craft a full budget by Friday evening, the last day of the special session.
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Alaska legislative leaders have agreed to allow lawmakers to collect retroactively an allowance for the special session now nearing its end.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - When Lydia Jacoby, the 17-year-old Seward Tsunami Swim Club sensation, touched the wall at Tuesday’s U.S. Olympic Trials in Omaha, Nebraska, in the finals of the 100-meter breaststroke and the her lane clock stopped at one minute 05.28 seconds, a crowd of Juneau’s Glacier Swim Club athletes, clad in swim gear at practice, erupted in cheer.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The Legislative Council, a group made up of members from both the House and Senate, unanimously agreed to reopen the Alaska State Capitol to members of the public in a meeting Wednesday.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Juneau Representative Andi Story believes a $525 Permanent Fund Dividend is too low and will eventually be increased to $1,100, but not in this special session.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The City and Borough of Juneau Assembly voted 6-3 on Monday evening to decline a $2 million donation from Norwegian Cruise Line, citing it as "inappropriate" and bad timing. Instead, they decided to ask NCL to redirect the funds to the Juneau Community Foundation.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — An Alaska hiker who reported needing help following bear encounters on a trail reached a road and flagged down help Wednesday, authorities said.
Juneau, Alaska (AP / KINY) - The Alaska Legislature approved a state spending package following a series of dramatic votes in the Senate on Wednesday and impassioned speeches highlighting the tensions over the annual dividend paid to residents and the frayed nerves after five months in session.
Washington (AP) - Both Republican and Democratic senators are pressing Interior Secretary Deb Haaland for answers after a federal court blocked the Biden administration’s suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal lands and waters.
Douglas, Alaska (KINY) -On June 14, the Douglas Fire Fighters ranked their favorite flag decorations on Douglas. The judges have made their decisions in the Douglas Flag Day competition.
The Sitka Tribe of Alaska is pleased to offer Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act need based assistance for Tribal Citizen/ AK Native or American Indian Sitka community households impacted by the COVID pandemic. The assistance available is $500 per household paid directly to a vendor to cover the mortgage, rent, utilities, heating fuel, or boat moorage costs, invoice verification is required and must be submitted with the application. This funding will also assist with those experiencing homelessness with temporary shelter. There is a separate application for this type of assistance. Applications will be accepted until July 31, 2021. Please go to sitkatribe.org for the application. Or please bring a previous or current invoice/bill (oil,utilities,rent,moorage, mortgage) to 456 Katlian St. for social services with your phone number on it; we will call and complete the online application with you over the phone. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call STA Social Services Department at 747-7293
Sitka Ham Amateur Radio Klub - SHARK - meets 2 p.m. the first Saturday of the month at the Sitka Sportsman's Association: 5211 Halibut Point Road. All interested in ham radio are welcome. For information contact Darryl Ault AL7W at 738-4539, [email protected] or visit the Facebook Group.
The American Legion is having a fish and chip sale this Friday starting at 11:30 til sold out. Plus serving clam chowder for only $5 a bowl. Come in and eat or call 747-8629 for pick-up.