Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - On Mar. 13 U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced they have selected a team from the State of Alaska to be one of nine teams from "communities" across the nation to participate in a five-month Youth Systems Building Academy.
Established in Dec. 2022, and administered by DOL Employment and Training Administration, Youth Systems Building Academy was created to provide training and technical assistance to workforce systems, and their community partners to help them explore, design, test, implement and expand approaches to attract young workers and to support them once they join the workforce.
The Alaska "community" team members participating in the Academy are led by Director of Alaska Vocational and Technical Center (AVTEC) Cathy LeCompte, with partners from the Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Alaska Workforce Investment Board, AVTEC, and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Community partners include the Alaska Job Corps Center, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, and the Covey Academy at Covenant House Alaska.
"We are so honored to have been selected from over 50 applicants and will work hard in our role of conveners and facilitators to ensure the young Alaskan's voices are at the table as we design this system that will support their goals and futures," said Director LeCompte.
The goal of Alaska's Youth Systems Building Academy team is to develop a strategic action agenda that will guide system development in Alaska with the purpose of ensuring that young Alaskans between 16 to 24 years of age who are disconnected from school and the workforce, will have easy access to training, work-based learning, and support services to grow and thrive.
Through broad outreach to community partners, the Alaska team will serve as conveners to build collaborative systems and develop strategies that improve youth employment outcomes.