Assembly Finance Chair reacts to proposed bond package

    Friday, July 10th, 2020 11:42am

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Assembly Finance Committee Chair Loren Jones shared his take on the bond package presented to the local governing body this week while a guest on Action Line.

    "It is throwing a lot of stuff out there on pretty tight timelines, but I think it's important that we move ahead with some projects, school projects in particular.  I would have liked to see a little bit more street projects, those kinds of things."

    When asked what projects suggested by the manager should be removed, Jones said he's not too enamored with the West Douglas Road.  "There's a lot of negotiation that needs to go on with Goldbelt.  I don't think that as shovel ready as soon of the other projects."  
    Jones does concede that the manager's got a good point.  "If we're going to look to the future maybe the West Douglas and access to that side of Douglas Island and that expansion might be important."

    Jones is not sure where the public will be on the bond package, but he believes it's worth having the discussion.

    The $15 Million bond package presented by the manager will be taken up during a special meeting July 20.  It must be approved by August 3 to appear on the local election ballot in October for voter approval.

    The mill rate would increase by one-tenth of a mill if voters approve the bond package as now configured.



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