Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Due to increasing case positivity, the City and Borough of Juneau Emergency Operations Center is raising the overall community risk to Level 3-High with a full implementation of the Community Mitigation Strategies.
Heightened case activity has pushed both the 7- and 14-day case rates into the high alert category and community spread based cases continue to occur at an increasing rate.
The following measures are effective as of Wednesday, October 21: Indoor gatherings must be limited to 20 people with masks required. Bars and restaurants must not exceed 50% indoor capacity, maintain 6 feet of social distance between patrons, maintain a patron list, and close at 11 p.m.
Personal services must be by appointment only, one customer per service provider, no waiting areas, and gyms must not exceed 25% capacity, with no group activities.
Travelers arriving in Juneau from other Alaskan communities with Intermediate or High alert levels are strongly encouraged to test at the Juneau Airport and follow strict social distance protocols until negative results arrive, or quarantine for 14 days.
Masks must continue to be worn in all public indoor areas. Masks must be worn in public outdoor areas where 6 feet of distancing cannot be maintained.
Additionally, several CBJ facilities are temporarily closing or altering operations: All branches of Juneau Public Libraries are closed to indoor service and going to curbside service effective Oct. 21; Juneau-Douglas City Museum is closed effective Oct. 21; Treadwell Ice Arena is closed effective Oct. 21. Dimond Park Aquatic Center and August Brown Pool are closed effective Oct. 21 through the weekend and will reopen Monday, Oct. 26 by reservation only with a maximum capacity of 20.
The Permit Center is closed effective Oct. 21, though services are still available virtually. Contact the Community Development Department at 586-0715.