CBJ ups housing assistance grants to as much as $3K

    Wednesday, November 25th, 2020 4:08pm

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Individuals and households in Juneau that have been financially harmed by the pandemic may now receive up to $3,000 in relief through the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Grant Program.

    The City and Borough of Juneau Assembly passed a resolution Monday, Nov. 23, approving the increase for the housing benefit from $1,500 to $2,500.

    The grant program also allows an individual or household to apply for up to $500 for utility bills.

    If you have already applied, you do not need to reapply. The CBJ will be sending out supplemental payments to those who are eligible for additional housing assistance. If you’ve been financially harmed by the pandemic and haven’t yet applied, applications are available here. The application period ends December 12. Catholic Community Service is administering the program.

    According to Catholic Community Service, the housing benefit is calculated by multiplying the monthly housing expense times the number of months of expense the eligible applicant had from August to December 2020, up to $2,500 per household.

    This means not everyone will be eligible for the maximum benefit of $2,500, and not all households that already received a benefit will be eligible for an additional $1,000.

    If you have already applied for CBJ COVID-19 Housing Assistance, you do not need to reapply. Working with Catholic Community Service, the CBJ will be sending out supplemental payments to those who are eligible for additional housing assistance.

    For more information, contact Catholic Community Service at 463-6100, email [email protected], or go to www.ccsak.org/CBJgrant.



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