Christopher Goins, P.E., appointed as DOT&PF Southcoast Regional Director

    Friday, March 17th, 2023 4:26pm

    Mr. Christopher Goins - Photo courtesy of DOT&PF

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Mr. Christopher Goins, P.E., C.M. has accepted the Southcoast Regional Director position for the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) effective Monday, Mar. 20.

    “Mr. Goins will do a great job leading our transportation programs in Southeast and Southwest Alaska” said Commissioner Ryan Anderson. “He has a proven record of accepting challenges and solving problems.”

    Mr. Goins started at DOT&PF in 2014 working on infrastructure projects after nearly a decade of engineering experience in Oregon.

    He is a licensed engineer and earned his degree from Oregon State University in 2006. 

    He lives with his family in Juneau, Alaska.

    The position was previously held by Lance Mearig, who is leaving state service this month.

    “We wish Lance the best and appreciate his contributions to Alaska’s transportation system,” said Commissioner Anderson.

    Mr. Mearig started working at DOT&PF in 1982 and led a 35-year transportation career with both public and private sector experience.

    Southcoast Region stretches from Ketchikan to Adak, a span of over 1,800 miles.

    The region contains 1,859 highway lane miles, 186 bridges, 44 airports, and 20 maintenance stations.

    The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities oversees 237 airports, 9 ferries serving 33 communities, over 5,600 miles of highway, and 839 public facilities throughout the state of Alaska. The mission of the department is to “Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure.”


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