Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Individuals and households in Juneau that have been financially harmed by the pandemic may now receive up to $3,000 in relief through the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Grant Program.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Sealaska Heritage Institute will sponsor a free online lecture this Monday on Indigenous human rights as part of its series in recognition of Native American Heritage Month.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Due to changes within the buses, Capital Transit is increasing bus capacity limits to 12 riders and reinstating front door boarding for all passengers starting Friday, Nov. 27.
U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan have issued statements after the Army Corps of Engineers formally rejected the Pebble Limited Partnership’s application for a permit to discharge material into navigable waters under the Clean Water Act.
Anchorage, Alaska (AP) - The Trump administration on Wednesday denied a permit for a controversial gold and copper mine near the headwaters of the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery in southwest Alaska.
Sitka, Alaska (KINY) - The Assembly of the City and Borough of Sitka has extended the declaration of a local disaster emergency by the Municipal Administrator.
Sitka, Alaska (KINY) - The Assembly of the City and Borough of Sitka has voted down new restrictions and requirements for bars, restaurants and other large gathering places.
Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association and Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust, Cooking for a Cause Fundraiser - December 4th-6th. Join us in Cooking for a Cause with Chef Collette of Ludvigs as your personal (virtual)cooking instructor! All ingredients included to cook a gourmet meal for 2. Ask your favorite someone or get together with your social distancing pod for a fun interactive night. Proceeds from the event will go to the Seafood Donation program run by the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association (ALFA) and the Alaska Sustainable FisheriesTrust (ASFT). Since March 2020, ALFA and ASFT have provided over 480,000 meals of seafood, free of charge, to Alaskans who are food insecure. Participants can purchase a box with all the ingredients to cook a gourmet two-course dinner with video-led instructions from one of Sitka’s favorite local chefs. Seafood,vegetarian and chicken options are available and each box also comes with dessert for two. Boxes will be available December 4th, however, participants can set their own schedule as the instructions and entertainment are pre-recorded and can be accessed at your convenience. Entertainment from local musicians and singers will be available to watch while you enjoy your dinner and a silent auction with many great items that will be posted as part of the fundraiser. Post photos of your finished plate in our photo contest and the best looking dish can win you a $50 Ludvigs Gift certificate! Silent auction and photo contest winners will be announced on Sunday, December 6th. Enjoy a Ludvig’s dinner at home for a great cause!Ticket areon sale now through November 22nd. Visitalaskansown.com/pages/cookingforacause2020 to purchase tickets. For more information contact Lauren at 714-369-4057 or at [email protected]
The Sitka Monthly Grind is seeking performers for the December 12th Holiday Grind. If you are interested you will need to record your presentation, and get it to Jeanne Stolberg by December 1st. The show will be produced and shown on Sitka Monthly Grind’s Facebook and Youtube channel starting December 12th. For details or questions contact Jeanne at 738-8083, or Jeff at 747-4821. The Sitka Monthly Grind is under the Greater Sitka Arts Council umbrella, the philosophy remains family oriented, non political, and affordable.
Ocean Wave Quilters will meet 7 PM, Tuesday, December 1st via ZOOM. Monthly meetings, September through June, are open to all, members or not. Those wishing to pay the $25 dues receive a monthly newsletter, discounts on classes, and other benefits. For more info call Sarah at 738-72772