Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - A resolution declaring the City and Borough of Juneau an economic disaster due to the pandemic and poor salmon returns in the region is before the Assembly during Monday evening's organizational meeting.
Manager Rorie Watt said on Action Line that it's uncertain if federal funding will be available, but said other Southeast communities are submitting emergency orders.
Up for action is an ordinance that would repeal the tax exemption on the sale of goods and services aboard cruise ships. Mayor Beth Weldon joined the manager on the program. "Basically we're just making it a level playing field." She explained an activity done on board a ship that is also provided onshore would be taxed.
The mayor added that all the details have not been ironed out and the Assembly will looking to the manager to spell those out.
An appropriation ordinance up for action allocates $1.1 Million in grant funding to United Human Services of Southeast Alaska to construct the Southeast Community Services Center.
Watt said action on the ordinance was moved up so the work can proceed in concert with Glory Hall's new facility if okayed by the Assembly.
There's an ordinance up for action that the manger is recommending go back to the Finance Committee for additional work. It would require that the sale price of real estate transactions be disclosed to the Assessor.
There are several emergency appropriation resolutions related to CARES Act funding up for approval.
$70,000 would go to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church for drop-in distance learning centers for school-age children during the pandemic.
Just over $79,000 would be allocated to the Southeast Alaska Food Bank to address food security needs among Juneau's vulnerable populations.
There's $85,000 earmarked in an emergency resolution to St. Vincent de Paul for COVID-19 related costs for sheltering, food, and support to vulnerable populations.
Two housekeeping measures appropriate federal and state dollars related to pandemic costs. Eight million and 350 thousand dollars would go to CBJ. The other appropriates just over a million dollars to the school district.
Another $949,000 in federal revenue earmarked for the pandemic flows to the school district under terms of another ordinance.
Another ordinance up for action amends CBJ's COVID-19 mitigation strategies to better protect public health-related to bars and restaurants and travel.
This is an organizational meeting in the wake of the local election earlier this month. Maria Gladziszewski and Alicia Hughes-Skandijs, who were re-elected, and Christine Woll, elected for the first time, will be sworn in at the beginning of the meeting.
The meeting is scheduled to convene at 7 p.m.