Eielson to receive Air Force's first nuclear microreactor

    Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 10:00am

    Graphic of a Nuclear Microreactor. (Photo Credit: Idaho National Laboratory)

    FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — A base in interior Alaska has been chosen by the U.S. Air Force to receive its first nuclear microreactor.

    Fairbanks television station KTVF reports that Eielson Air Force Base was selected in a project that began in 2019, when a National Defense Authorization Act requirement to identify potential sites for development and operation of a microreactor by 2027.

    An Air Force official says Microreactors are a promising technology for ensuring energy resilience and reliability, and are particularly well-suited for powering and heating remote domestic military bases like Eielson.

    The microreactor will be commercially owned and licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commission.


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