Emergency measures highlight Assembly agenda

    Sunday, September 20th, 2020 5:03pm

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The Juneau Assembly will deal with an agenda crowded with significant items during its regular meeting Monday evening.

    Among those items, according to Mayor Weldon, is a series of emergency ordinances aimed at combating the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Juneau.  

    One adopts the mitigation strategies,  The others extend the use of face coverings in certain indoor settings and on  Capital Transit buses and in certain areas of CBJ facilities open to the public for another three months.

    The Assembly will also deal with emergency appropriation resolutions calling for the use of Cares Act funding.   

    One earmarks $400,000 to Bartlett Regional Hospital to plan for and construct a patient in-take and triage area to mitigate the effects of COVID-19.

    Another appropriates an additional $2 Million for the Business Sustainability Grant Program. The extra funding was spurred by a report from the Juneau Economic Development Council that the total amount of eligible grants might exceed available funding by that amount.

    Two emergency resolutions deal with the funding of the school district.  One is for $700,000 to aid in the delivery of online education and personal protective equipment

    The other provides $600,000 for the Rally Program.  The appropriation would cover half of the $325 per week cost to enroll a student in the program with single-parent households receiving a priority.

    An appropriation ordinance involving Cares Act funding earmarks up to one half million dollars for the Juneau ArtWorks Grant Program to support artists impacted by the pandemic.

    There's an emergency ordinance up for action that suspends enforcement of witness signatures on by mail ballots.  The mayor said they want to eliminate a burden to casting a vote, but admitted there might be some confusion since the ballots have already been sent out.

    In other matters, the Assembly will take up a resolution aimed at demonstrating Juneau's ongoing commitment to diversity, cultural values, and inclusion.

    A related appropriation ordinance provides $50,000 to support the work of the Systemic Racism Review Committee.

    There's an emergency appropriation resolution for up to $75,000 to sample and test municipal wastewater for COVID-19.

    An ordinance up for action earmarks nearly $200,000 to fund PFAS contamination cleanup at the airport.

    Under new business, the Assembly will be asked to approve a motion of support to reacquire the Hurlock property that once housed Juneau Youth Services.  The property was sold to Alaska Legacy Partners to develop a senior care facility, but that organization has decided not to proceed with the project and wants to divest its interest in the property.

    Meanwhile, the Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority wants to use the property for vulnerable homeless youth.

    The manager's report states that the Planning Commission will review the proposed use prior to an ordinance coming before the Assembly.

    The regular meeting of the Assembly is scheduled to convene at 7 p.m.

    The body's Human Resources Committee meets at 5:30.

    It will take up appointments to the Youth Activities Board and the Commission on Sustainability; a proposed Sustainability awards program; the Aquatics Board annual report; and amendments to the bylaws of the Bartlett Regional Hospital Board of Directors.




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