Juneau City Hall discusses waterfront plan changes, public input to follow

    Tuesday, January 25th, 2022 7:54am

    Aerial photo of dock near the Archipelago Lot (Photo Credit: CBJ.)

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The Juneau assembly committee of the whole discussed changes to Juneau's long-range waterfront plan during their meeting Monday evening.

    Juneau Tourism Manager, Alexandra Pierce, explained to committee members that amending the long-range waterfront plan creates more opportunities for development on the subport site, regardless of the developer. She said when the waterfront plan was developed, the subport area was the only area on the waterfront where future development was in question. Future ownership and plans were also in question at the time, but she said that aspect is a little bit clear now. Norwegian Cruise Line had bought a three acre piece of land at the subport lot.

    The change would allow the creation of a dock facility capable of accommodating one large cruise ship as well as docking facilities for U.S. Coast Guard and NOAA vessels.

    In 2020, the Juneau Visitor Industry Task Force established criteria for constructing a cruise ship dock at the subport, Pierce said the change supports the task force's criteria.

    • One larger ship per day using one side of the facility.
    • Maximum of five larger ships in port per day.
    • No hot berthing at the new facility.
    • No larger ships allowed to anchor as the sixth ship in town. Larger ships may anchor but the number of larger ships in port would still be limited to five.
    • CBJ manages dock to some extent through a public-private partnership or management agreement.
    • Dock is electrified.

    On February 7th the amendment for the waterfront plan will be introduced and public comment will be held.

    At the meeting, the assembly approved the staff recommendation to allow the project to go forward to the planning commission for consideration, but exempt the planning commission from reviewing the amendment to the waterfront plan.

    Pierce said the next step is that the planning commission will hear the conditional use permit, which is for development on the entire site, and then the next step is that the assembly will evaluate and consider the tide lands lease.


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