Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - When will the Juneau School District be ready to return from online to face to face education?
That question was put to Superintendent Dr. Bridget Weiss on Action Line. She said that since the end of August they've been introducing some face-to-face learning for special education students and for a few of our pre-K students as examples.
The district planned to reevaluate at the end of September. "So we've made really good progress and now that we're at the end of September, we're looking again. We are encouraged by the shift in our health status from red to orange, moderate risk level in Juneau, We're hoping the trend continues downward."
Dr. Weiss said the next in their Smart Start plan is sorting how they begin to develop more face to face learning. With a continued effort by the community to keep COVID-19 cases down, she said they hope to begin to introduce face to face learning in stages as they proceed in the weeks to come and over the course of the next month.