Juneau school year to start online for all schools

    Tuesday, August 4th, 2020 4:39pm

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) -The Juneau School District has decided to start the school year August 24 with distance learning for all schools.

    We spoke with Superintendent Dr. Bridget Weiss about that decision.  

    "We have decided to start in a full distance delivery model.  When we looked at all of those conditions and our potential hybrid model, we didn't feel that there were enough opportunities for us to follow the mitigation guidelines in order to start in that condition, that model."  

    So they decided to go slow to go fast, as she expressed it to make sure that they have all of their resources in place, that students are connected with their teachers, and their distance delivery model well established as they continue to watch all the different parts to this health and safety puzzle as they proceed.

    Dr. Weiss said they will reevaluate at the end of September and decide then when a change could be made.

    In the meantime, another forum for the public is scheduled Wednesday at 5 p.m. where Dr. Weiss will describe the decision and why they made that decision. A panel is also planned to discuss how the distance delivery model will look.

    The public can join the meeting via ZOOM.



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