Juneau sustainability commission seeks $4M in 1% sales tax funding

    Friday, May 27th, 2022 8:38am

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The Juneau Commission on Sustainability is offering three suggested projects for consideration of funding by the 1% sales tax revenue this year.

    According to draft city documents, the commission's focus is on projects it believes further Juneau’s community sustainability and economic resilience into the future.

    The three projects are waste reduction and waste diversion, electrification of heating in City and Borough of Juneau facilities, and energy efficiency upgrades to CBJ facilities.

    JCOS Chair Gretchen Keiser wrote, "These projects would address the community’s vulnerability to the high cost of heating/heating fuels and to the future costs for municipal waste handling. Undertaking these projects in the mid to late 2020s using a portion of the 1% sales tax revenues will have long-term benefits by tackling some basic utilities that drive the cost of living in Juneau."

    According to Keiser, waste reduction planning to reduce and divert the community’s solid wastes would prolong the life of the landfill and reduce emissions. The electrification request would see funding for Glacier Fire Station ground-source heat pumps and a plan for the infrastructure needed to allow downtown CBJ buildings to connect to a proposed new district heating system. Energy upgrades would include HVAC, lighting, and building envelope components, including re-roofing of CBJ facilities.

    The total ask would be $4 million between the three projects.


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