Ketchikan adds three new cases of COVID-19

    Monday, November 23rd, 2020 5:00am

    Ketchikan, Alaska (KINY) - Ketchikan has seven active cases of COVID-19 after three cases were diagnosed at local clinics on Saturday.

    One of the new cases is symptomatic and was tested at a local clinic.  The person was a close contact to a known positive case.

    They have been advised to quarantine for 14 days and public health has completed the contact investigation.

    Two of the cases were identified through the drive-up testing clinic.  The source of the virus in both cases are under investigation.  The person was instructed to isolate for two weeks.

    Anyone with questions or concerns about being a close contact to a positive case is asked to call Public Health at 225-4350.

    There have been no new hospitalizations at PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center.

    Ketchikan has had a total of 24,070 tests administered.

    They have had a total of 196 cases, 183 of residents or people staying in Ketchikan.

    The daily positivity rate for testing in the past week is 1.62 percent.







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