Ketchikan, Alaska (KINY) - Some students may return to in-person schooling in Ketchikan on Nov. 30 at a “Medium-Risk” level for all ages due to the community risk level continuing at Level 3-High.
This means the district will continue to operate under the current, Medium Risk schedules that are in place at each school.
For students attending Houghtaling Elementary School, Fawn Mountain Elementary School/Annex, Point Higgins Elementary School, Tongass School of Arts and Sciences/Annex, Ketchikan Charter School/Annex K-8th Grade, and Tribal Scholars, these elementary schools, annex sites, Ketchikan Charter School K-8, and Tribal Scholars can remain open five days a week because of the steps taken since the opening of school.
For students attending Schoenbar Middle School and Ketchikan High School, the district will continue in the Smart Start Medium Level blended learning model. Students are onsite two days per week and working asynchronously (online) three days a week from home or in the schools’ designated on-campus annex sites (Mon - Thurs). This 50% plan allows us to further reduce class sizes, increase social distancing, and more tightly cohort our students, while still ensuring quality learning experiences for every student.
For students attending Revilla High School and Revilla Middle School, the district will continue in the Smart Start Medium Level. High School students attending half-day 8 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m to 4 p.m. schedules, four days per week with Friday being asynchronous from home. Middle School students will attend from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., four days per week with Friday at home working asynchronously. This plan allows for continued social distancing.
The Ketchikan EOC will be meeting on Nov. 30 to review the community risk level.
If the Ketchikan EOC determines that the community risk level is reduced to moderate or low, schools will move to the “Smart Start Low-Risk” level and transition back to 100% capacity on Dec. 7.