Ketchikan sees 2 new cases of COVID-19

    Monday, November 23rd, 2020 5:53pm

    Ketchikan, Alaska (KINY) - There were two new positive cases of COVID-19 reported in Ketchikan today.

    One of the cases was identified through the drive-up testing clinic.

    This person is a close contact to a known positive case, and is currently asymptomatic. This individual has been notified of the positive result and has been instructed to isolate.

    The second individual sought testing at a local clinic due to experiencing symptoms. The source of this case is still under investigation.

    The two cases announced on Nov. 22 that were pending investigation have been determined to be close contacts to known positive cases.

    Today’s cases bring the cumulative COVID-19 case count, including travelers, to 198. The number of positive cases of individuals residing or staying in Ketchikan is 185.

    Of the 185 cases, 9 are still active, and 176 have recovered.



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