KIC Tribal Council approves COVID-19 assistance for members

    Saturday, August 1st, 2020 9:27am

    Ketchikan, Alaska (KINY) - On July 30, the Ketchikan Indian Community Tribal Council approved by unanimous consent COVID-19 relief fund allocations for KIC members that live on Revillagigedo Island.

    The allocations include $450,000 towards the purchase of iPads for KIC member students, $550,000 towards the purchase at iPad or computer for elders and households, and $468,750 for internet services for up to five months.

    There will also be allocations of $337,500 for the food pantry seafood distribution, and $375,000 for food processing supplies.

    Utility payments can also be a part of the assistance, with $525,000 available for utilities for up to two months.

    There is more than $2 million available as well for payments of $1,500 for two months towards rent or mortgage. Another $1 million has been approved for COVID-19 assistance through General Assistance for rent, mortgage, transportation, utility fees, food, clothing, harvesting supplies, and homeless population precautions.

    For further information about applications and deadlines, contact the Tribal Council Executive Assistants at 228-4900.




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