Klawock man held on drug charges

    Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 7:21am

    Craig, Alaska (KINY) - A Klawock man was arrested twice in one week on drug-related charges.

    Alaska State Troopers in Ketchikan said Troopers contacted Michael Howard, 34 while performing proactive patrols around the Whipple Creek area on November 16.

    After an investigation revealed Michael was in possession of controlled substances he was arrested and remanded to Ketchikan Correctional Center. 

    Craig Police Chief RJ Ely said Howard was arrested on November 22 in Craig after a traffic stop for speeding near the JT Brown Industrial Park.

    Ely said they found a plastic pipe that tested positive for heroin.

    The Craig charges include misconduct involving a controlled substance in the fourth degree, driving while license suspended, violation of conditions of release for a misdemeanor, and having no motor vehicle insurance.

    He was remanded to the Craig Jail to await further court proceedings.


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