NCIC Helps Juneau Police Find Missing Person in Hawaii

    Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 6:45am

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Juneau Police helped locate a missing person in Honolulu, Hawaii for a worried family earlier this year.

    A news release from the FBI said a detective with JPD requested a National Crime Information Center off-line search for a missing person on August 6.

    The missing man's mother reported she had last seen her son in March.  The woman admitted her son was homeless and suffered from drug addictions but always kept in touch with his family.

    Juneau Police searched homeless shelters and checked with relatives but could not locate the man.

    The Juneau detective had experience with missing person's cases and the FBI system.

    NCIC records showed the Honolulu Police Department had queried the missing person's name in May and June and JPD was able to confirm the missing man's identity.

    Juneau detectives notified the man's family that he was alive and preferred to stay in Hawaii.




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