Sitka, Alaska (KINY) - The Wortman Booster Station in Sitka will experience an outage this Wednesday morning.
The City and Borough of Sitka will be making repairs to the Wortman Booster Station on Wednesday, Sept. 16, between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Residents on Wortman Loop, Cascade Creek Road, 451-513 Charteris, 1201,1203, and 1205 Georgeson Loop, and 1707-1840 Edgecumbe Drive, will experience a loss of water pressure and/or have no water while the repair is made.
Once the repair is made, residents may experience air or cloudy water in their water line. The Water Department recommends running cold water taps until it clears.
If you have any questions contact CBS Public Works at 747-1804.