Sitka Assembly rejects new COVID-19 requirements

    Wednesday, November 25th, 2020 7:55am

    Sitka, Alaska (KINY) - The Assembly of the City and Borough of Sitka has voted down new restrictions and requirements for bars, restaurants and other large gathering places.

    The Assembly voted down an emergency ordinance 4-3, with Assembly members Valorie Nelson, Kevin Mosher and Mayor Steve Eisenbeisz voting “no.” Five “yes” votes were needed to pass.

    Under the new ordinance introduced on Tuesday, indoor service would have been permitted at a reduced capacity of 50% for restaurants and 25% for bars. Curbside and delivery service were encouraged, including alcohol service permitted by the State of Alaska.

    Masks or face coverings would have been required for all staff and customers unless eating or drinking.

    Staff and customers would have adhered to physical distancing protocols, including remaining at least six feet apart.

    Large social and religious gatherings or activities, bingo halls, theaters/ performing art centers, fairs and markets, or indoor gatherings of groups larger than 50 persons would have been prohibited.

    For indoor gatherings of groups of 50 persons or smaller, staff, customers, and other people gathering would have adhered to physical distancing protocols, including remaining at least six feet apart.



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