Southeast Alaska Foodbank increases supply to meet high demand

    Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 9:07 PM

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Jeremiah Beedle, Board Vice President for the Southeast Alaska Foodbank joined Capital Chat to discuss their future plans. They are currently seeking donations.

    Beedle spoke on funding the food bank's new warehouse.

    "In order to be who we need to be in the community and meet the demands that have been placed on us to increase our capacity we need a warehouse. A warehouse where we can no longer be going through the foods that we get within that same week, or have to travel to multiple storage units situated around town to try to pick things up and have them ready for folks," he shared. "So the warehouse that we have coming in, we have a state grant of $500,000 already secured. We have some other granting that has come through, got some other folks that are pushing hard to try to make sure that they're doing their best to help us along. We've got the state employees, Local 52 that has a GoFundMe account going right now. They'll do a matching grant of $30,000 so potentially $60,000, lots of thanks to them."

    The deadline for the matching of $30,000 is on June 15. Donate here.

    Beedle shared goals for the Southeast Alaska Foodbank warehouse.

    "We would love to have three to six months of food in storage at any given time to meet the needs of our member organizations," he said. "Or if something drastic were to happen in Southeast Alaska - to be an emergency source. In case barging or something were to take place to where the world didn't operate the way that it does right now. So we've got some pretty high goals and with the warehouse, I think we'll be able to meet them."

    All the permits are taken care of and now they are moving forward.

    Beedle offered their help to the community.

    "We're going to have excess instead of having to throttle back our members. As far as the proteins and the shelf-stable items, we're going to be in pretty phenomenal shape. If you're in need, we've got your back," he said. "Our website, If you pop on there, you'll see all the different links to who has a food pantry and when. It's also a place that someone could donate towards helping us along with getting that warehouse funded fully as well."

    Listen to the full Capital Chat.


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