Troopers arrest 2 men after POW break-in

    Saturday, November 28th, 2020 10:07am

    Kasaan, Alaska (KINY) - Alaska State Troopers have arrested two men after an alleged burglary on Prince of Wales Island.

    On Nov. 27 at approximately 2 p.m., Prince of Wales Troopers, the Kasaan VPSO, and the Thorne Bay VPSO, all responded to a remote cabin near Kasaan for a reported burglary.

    According to Troopers, a witness reported checking on a friend’s residence and found two unfamiliar males actively burglarizing the property. 

    The two males fled into the nearby woods after they were discovered by the citizen.

    A suspect vehicle was located approximately a half-mile away from the remote residence and while the Troopers were finishing a search warrant on the vehicle, 32-year-old Kolton Tipton of Klawock walked out of the woods.

    Tipton was wet, cold, and showing early signs of hypothermia.

    Evidence gathered from inside the truck further implicated Tipton and he was arrested.

    Troopers and VPSO’s fanned out and continued searching for the second individual.

    At approximately 10 p.m., 46-year-old Alex Brown of Craig was located in the same area Tipton was located. Brown was also wet, cold, and showing more severe signs of hypothermia.

    The witness positively identified both Tipton and Brown. Brown was treated by the Troopers and VPSO’s prior to transportation to the Craig Jail.

    Both Tipton and Brown were remanded for Burglary in the 1st Degree and Theft in the 2nd Degree.


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