Anchorage, Alaska (KINY) - The University of Alaska Board of Regents will convene Jan. 16-17 in Anchorage to discuss the university’s budget, consider a 5 percent tuition increase and hear about the enrollment strategies planned by each university.
The board originally was scheduled to vote on the tuition increase during its November 2019 meeting but delayed the decision pending further engagement by campus leaders with their students.
The January meeting, typically a one-day strategic planning session, was expanded to include an afternoon budget work session on Thursday for the regents to go into more detail with university leadership about the budget, goals and measures, strategic investments, financial history, expenditures and revenues.
Thursday morning the Board of Regents' Governance Committee will commence a review of Regents' Policy. At its Nov. 7, 2019, workshop the full Board tasked the Governance Committee with conducting an audit of Regents' Policy for clarity of authority, roles, and responsibilities.
Committee Chair Mary K. Hughes also will review publications from the Association of Governing Boards which discuss the responsibilities of System boards, presidents and executives of the universities within the System.
On Friday the full board will discuss strategic goals and budget planning updates for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 and will consider approval of a resolution recognizing the late Dr. Alan Borass, longest-serving professor at Kenai Peninsula College and renowned anthropologist, for his accomplishments and service to the university. Dr. Boraas passed away on Nov. 4. A celebration of life for Dr. Alan Boraas will be held from 5-7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 17, at Kenai Peninsula College's Kenai River Campus.