Woll talks about Assembly candidacy on Action Line

    Friday, September 25th, 2020 11:39am

    Assembly District 2 Candidadte Christine Woll

    Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Assembly District 2 candidate Christine Woll said on Action Line that our current time in place is an exceptional moment in history for Juneau and for the entire world.

    "Obviously this pandemic is exceptional and I think we really need to be focused on our health and safety in a way that we've never really had to focus before.  I think this moment has also exposed a lot of cracks in our system.  We found that our economy is not as resilient as it needs to be to deal with this pandemic and we've seen that under a lot brighter spotlight some of the disparities in our community that exist along racial lines, along gender lines, and economic lines.  So I'm thinking that this moment is an opportunity for us to examine that.

    Woll works as the regional program director for The Nature Conservancy.  She serves on the Juneau Commission on Sustainability and chairs the Blueprint Downtown Steering Committee.  Woll feels her professional and civic experience has prepared her well for service on the Assembly.

    The other candidates in the race are Lacey Derr, Derek Dzinich, and Robert Shoemake



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