Slide activity in Haines

    Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 11:04am

    New slide at Beach Road (Photo Courtesy of Haines Borough)

    Haines, Alaska (KINY) - The Haines Emergency Operations Center reported additional slide activity Monday evening.

    Due to the higher elevation of freezing temperatures with accompanying snowmelt at lower elevations and an above-average rainfall of 1.5-2 inches in 12 hrs, slide activity occurred.

    The Beach Road slide area saw movement Monday night.

    The Southeast flank of the slide broke off and slid into the slide path.  

    The estimated size of the new slide area was about 20ft wide by 60ft high which slid approximately 200ft downslope.

    While the additional slide area is not too significant in terms of size, it shows that the edges remain unstable and prone to collapse.

    Activity was also reported at the 19 mile Haines Highway, and Slides of rock debris around 5-6 mile of Lutak Road.



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